With the utmost regard for the safety and well-being of essential personnel and the horses they care for, Santa Anita Park and Golden Gate Fields announced March 19 the immediate closure of the stable entry gates to outside personnel at their racing and training venues in California, including San Luis Rey Downs. The stable entry gate closure will not extend to horses as current scientific evidence suggests that horses cannot develop COVID-19 and therefore present no danger of transmission to other horses or people.
This added measure has been put in place as part of the company's continuing efforts to limit exposure for essential personnel and to maintain compliance with the most up-to-date guidance from local and international health and governmental authorities on COVID-19.
The closure of the stable entry gates means that no new accompanying personnel, including jockeys, trainers or grooms, will be allowed onto the grounds with horses who ship from outside of California into Santa Anita Park, Golden Gate Fields or San Luis Rey Downs. Horses are only allowed to ship to trainers that currently have a barn at one of the three locations. To protect the perimeter, the horses will be met and transferred to the secure barn area in the care of personnel who are already on-site.
All horses will be cared for by essential personnel who are operating under stringent measures for protection prohibiting non-essential contact and interaction to maintain the most current requirements on social distancing.
On March 12, The Stronach Group closed all of its racing venues and simulcast centers to the public and enforced strict measures at all facilities including, among numerous other protective measures, restricting access to essential horsemen and personnel, daily health monitoring and temperature testing for all attendees, strict social distance requirements for jockeys and participants and significantly enhanced sanitization across the facilities.
The Stronach Group will continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation vigilantly and will remain in full compliance with all government and local health orders.
For the health, safety and welfare of every person and every horse in our community is our top priority.
We are in full compliance with all government and local health orders and are taking every possible precaution and safeguard to ensure the health and safety of the limited number of essential racing personnel required to operate racing without fans.
The horse racing industry is unique in several respects and now, perhaps more than ever in these difficult times, we must be mindful of our responsibility to prioritize the safety and well-being of the horses and those who care for them.
We have the ability to limit exposure per health and governmental regulations while continuing to support our industry.
The following protocols are in force at Santa Anita Park and Golden Gate Fields.
Controlled Access and Documentation:
Restricted Access to the Grandstand/Saddling Paddock:
Restricted Access to the Jockeys' Room and Jockeys' Room Protocol:
Only jockeys scheduled to ride in races will be allowed in the Jockeys' Room.
All jockeys and essential personnel only in the Jockeys' Room (including Valets and Clerk of the Scales) will have their temperatures tested daily. Anyone showing any signs of illness will be denied access to the premises.
Jockeys' Room lockers will be spaced a minimum of the required six feet apart.
All jockeys will be required to wear riding gloves at all times.
Jockeys are prohibited from any physical contact between themselves and others.
Travel for jockeys will be restricted.
Restricted Access to Stables and Morning Training:
The Thoroughbred Owners of California also released a statement on the restrictions stating:
"We have received a number of emails expressing concern regarding the policy announced this week that for coronavirus related reasons no owners will be allowed at Santa Anita or Golden Gate. This temporary policy extends to auxiliary training at San Luis Rey Downs. We understand everyone's frustration regarding these restrictions. We have been in constant communication with the Stronach Group, the CTT and state and local governments on what steps should be taken to provide maximum safety for the horses, the backstretch workers and the riders. These are complex issues with no definitive right or wrong answers.
"At present, our first priority at the TOC, however, is to take all steps necessary to avoid any government action that would require an immediate closure of the tracks and removal of horses and backstretch workers from the backside. Limiting the number of individuals who do not currently live or work on the backside is one of the best steps that we can collectively take to prevent a spread of the virus to the backside of any facility and help achieve this broader goal. This "no owner on site" policy is temporary in nature and all parties hope and expect to return as soon as possible to prior practice where licensed owners can visit their horses on the backside and attend their races in person.
"Please understand that this situation is highly fluid, and we can expect additional policy changes on a day-to-day basis. All major changes will be emailed to TOC members and posted immediately on the TOC website."