The Washington Horse Racing Commission voted May 8 to approve a 44-day season for Emerald Downs that will begin June 22. Racing was originally scheduled to commence April 18 but was postponed because of COVID-19.
"The governor's reopening plan placed professional sports without audience participation in Phase 3. Horse racing and baseball are specifically mentioned," Ziegler said. "Based on the current timetable of at least three weeks between phases, the state could begin to enter Phase 3 on June 15. In Phase 4, there are no gathering limits, and we would be open to the public."
The track was originally scheduled to race 63 days—April 18 through Sept. 20—for its 25th season.
Ziegler said he anticipates operating at least the first four weeks under Phase 3, running Mondays and Tuesdays without spectators. Once Phase 4 begins, he added, Emerald Downs would transition to its traditional three-day weekend schedule. Director of racing Bret Anderson is working on a revised stakes schedule that will include multiple races for each category, Ziegler said.
"Running without the public is very challenging for our business, and the sooner we can have the public here, the better," Ziegler said. "We do not have a return date for simulcasting and other activities such as banquets and entertainment, but it's likely to be when Phase 4 begins. During a typical season, we have over 500 employees. For many, it's a summer part-time job, and for others it's been their full-time career. Many of these jobs only can exist when we are open to the public.
"For everyone working in the stable area, you have done a terrific job of staying healthy. To clarify, we are following the (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) recommended mask/face covering policy. Masks are required when social distancing measures are difficult to maintain. Please always be aware of your surroundings and do not take any chances with your health and the health of others. That will always be our top priority. And, needless to say, if we have health issues in the stable area, our race meet would be in jeopardy."
Since April 1, no new horsemen or horses have been permitted to enter Emerald Downs' backside for at least 30 days. The track remains open for training five days a week (closed Monday and Thursday) from 7-11 a.m PT. Emerald currently stables approximately 600 horses that were on-site at the time of the escalation of the COVID-19 outbreak.