The New York Racing Association announced May 29 that the Oklahoma Training Track at Saratoga Race Course will open for training June 4, two days after the opening of the barn area there.
The Oklahoma Training Track and Whitney Viewing Stand will be closed to owners and the public. Access will be restricted to essential personnel licensed by NYRA and the New York State Gaming Commission.
In consultation with the NYSGC and state and local public health officials, NYRA has implemented a comprehensive set of health and safety protocols designed to protect and mitigate risk for employees, horsemen, backstretch workers, and the Saratoga community.
All personnel working at the Oklahoma Training Track must test negative for COVID-19 or test positive for the antibodies for COVID-19. This applies to both local personnel as well as those arriving from other regions.
All personnel licensed and approved to be on the property will be required to complete a daily health screening and temperature check conducted by trained EMTs.
Face masks or coverings and adherence to strict social distancing measures will be mandatory at all times. Masks and personal protective equipment will be provided.
The opening of the Oklahoma Training Track was delayed from its traditional mid-April timeline due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The summer meet at Saratoga Race Course is scheduled to begin July 16 and run through Labor Day, Sept. 7.
Another NYRA track, Belmont Park, is set to begin racing without spectators June 3. Its meet precedes the one at Saratoga.
Racing has been on hold in New York for much of the spring due to COVID-19.