The New York Racing Association announced Sept. 4 that a limited number of licensed owners will be permitted to attend live racing at Belmont Park on the day that their horse is entered to race. To reduce density and adhere to social distancing guidelines amid COVID-19, the size of the ownership group will be restricted to 10 individuals per horse.
Racing in New York is ongoing without fans in attendance as a health precaution. Saratoga Race Course is currently racing in the state.
All owners within the group must be in possession of a valid New York State Gaming Commission license. Horses with identical ownership will be limited to 10 total admissions regardless of number of horses running that day.
To align with required health and safety measures implemented in New York to mitigate risk and combat the spread of COVID-19, owners will be subjected to health screening prior to entry, including a temperature check. In addition, owners will be required to practice social distancing and to wear a facial covering at all times while on Belmont Park property.
Owners planning travel to New York from any of the states currently listed on the New York Travel Advisory are subject to a mandatory 14-day quarantine. More information on the travel advisory and the complete list of states included is available online.
Owner reservations for race-day admission to Belmont Park should be sent to NYRA's Horsemen's Relations via email or by phone at 516-488-6008. NYRA will confirm all reservations via email.
The NYRA Office of Horsemen's Relations will begin processing reservations for the opening day of the Belmont Park fall meet on Wednesday, Sept.r 16 at 10 a.m.
Licensed owners will be permitted within the Belmont Park barn area beginning Sept. 16. In order to secure access to the barn area, owners must be in possession of a valid NYSGC license and provide NYRA with a negative COVID-19 test.
Owners not previously registered to access the barn area are required to register in advance via email with racing administrative assistant Zerfana Khan or by telephoning 718-659-2313.
Owners approved to enter the barn area will be required to practice social distancing and to wear a facial covering.