Jockeys and Jeans Stallion Season Sale to Benefit PDJF


There will be a new slant for the sixth annual Jockeys and Jeans Great American Stallion Season Sale to benefit The Permanently Disabled Jockeys Fund. This is the only Stallion Season Auction that will bring together Thoroughbred and Quarter Horse Stallions in a single sale. 

"For breeders and owners of both breeds, this is a true opportunity to show that persons in both the Thoroughbreds and Quarter Horse world will stand for those who can no longer stand for themselves," said Jockeys and Jeans president, Barry Pearl. 

The auction begins on Friday, Jan. 29 at 9:00 a.m. and ends Monday, Feb. 1 at 5 p.m on A season preview will be available Thursday, Jan. 28. All seasons sold, their buyers and their prices are private. If you wish to donate a season or seasons and sell them privately, they are very welcome. 

All seasons are non-guaranteed and donors have the option of including a breed-back the following year if the buyer's mare does not get in foal on first cover. All at Jockeys and Jeans are volunteers and every cent of the selling prices goes to the PDJF. The charity provides a monthly stipend of $1,000 to some 60 former jockeys who suffered catastrophic career-ending injuries. At least 40 are either quadra or paraplegics.  

"We realize this has been a difficult year for all in racing and beyond, but it is impossible to breed or own a racehorse without being optimistic," said Pearl. "We assure you, your season donation will, for some of our fallen brothers and sisters, put a roof over their heads and pay the electric bill."

Founded in late 2014 by five former jockeys, Jockeys and Jeans has raised over $1.5 million for jockeys who underwent career-ending racing injuries. In addition to an annual Stallion Season Sale, the group organizes a yearly fundraising event at a separate track. Some 15 Hall of Fame riders are on hand to honor six of their fallen brothers and sisters who also attend.

"We realize there are more requests from worthwhile charities in racing for stallion seasons than can possibly be filled, so we thank all those who donate to ours," said Pearl. "This sale is the only one in the entire racing industry whose entire proceeds goes to help humans; namely those Jockeys who have given so much of their lives beneath the horses we all know and love. These brave men and women are no longer riding horses but wheelchairs."