Del Mar Back to Full Capacity in Reserved Seating Areas


Photo: Benoit Photo
Racing at Del Mar

Del Mar announced May 28 its plans to open its summer race meet with 100% capacity for fans in its reserved seating areas. This decision was made in accordance with state and county public health guidelines effective June 15. 

Del Mar can accommodate reserved seating of 14,994.

The track's 82nd racing season will open July 16 and run through Labor Day, Sept. 6. The track will also run this fall, hosting the Breeders' Cup Nov. 5-6.

Last summer, Del Mar ran its summer and fall meet without paid spectators as a result of COVID-19.

All fans wishing to attend this summer must obtain a seating package in advance of their arrival. Admission tickets and parking passes will be included in the package. The track will put seats on sale online June 18 with a pre-sale available June 17 for those that sign up at the Del Mar website.

"We are delighted to be able to welcome our fans back to Del Mar," said Del Mar president and COO Josh Rubinstein. "We appreciate their patience as we have all adapted to the changing circumstances over the last 15 months. We also appreciate the thoughtful guidance and cooperation we have received from the California Department of Public Health, the San Diego County Department of Public Health along with Dr. Ghazala Sharieff, Chief Medical Officer of Scripps Health, and her expert staff."

Under current California Department of Public Health guidelines, fans will be required to wear masks when visiting Del Mar, except when eating or drinking in designated areas. However, California Gov. Gavin Newsom is scheduled to issue revised guidance on June 15 and track officials will adjust requirements on face coverings based on those guidelines.

Del Mar will offer seating in its Stretch Run (Grandstand), Clubhouse, Turf Club, Skyrooms, Luxury, and Celebrity Suites, and its five major restaurants. Track officials will have more to say about General Admission access over the next several weeks.

"We will continue to monitor public health guidelines and adjust our plans as the state makes additional progress and updates its recommendations," said Rubinstein.

Besides the sale and pre-sale arrangements online, Del Mar will be offering the purchase of reserved seating packages by phone (858-792-4242) starting June 21.

First post daily at the seaside oval will be 2 p.m. on all days except Fridays. Opening Friday, July 16, will have a 2 p.m. PT post, but then Fridays thereafter will see a 4 p.m. start with the exceptions of the last two Fridays of the meet (Aug. 27 and Sept. 3) when first post is 3:30 p.m. The first two weeks of the season will feature Friday-through-Sunday three-day weekends.  For the remainder of the meet, racing will be conducted on a Thursdays-through-Sunday basis, plus a holiday of racing on Labor Day Monday.