New Voided Claim Rule Begins at Gulfstream Park


Photo: Coglianese Photos
Gulfstream Park

Effective May 28, the "voided claim" rule at Gulfstream Park will be expanded, according to a release from the Florida Horsemen's Benevolent and Protective Association.

With the update, all claimed horses will be examined by the track veterinarian after cooling out, and the claim will be voided if the horse is observed to have bled or is determined to be unsound. If the track veterinarian finds reason to void the claim, the stewards are notified and the successful claimant has a 15-minute grace period to request that the claim be voided or allowed. 

The new conditions for voiding a claim have been added to the prior rule, which mandated that claims be voided if the horse suffers a fatality during a race or is euthanized immediately following the race, or is vanned off and determined by the track veterinarian to be unsound or to have bled. The full text of the new rule is below.

"We were pleased to work with Dr. Dionne Benson and the Stronach Group team at Gulfstream Park to get the expanded voided claim rule adopted," said Florida HBPA president Stephen Screnci. "Studies have demonstrated that more stringent voided claim rules protect the horses, and they protect our horsemen as well. We are in full support." 

The Florida HBPA included the updated rule on voiding a claim:

If a horse suffers a fatality during the running of a race or is euthanized on the racetrack or in the horse ambulance following the race, any claim submitted on that horse will be declared void. 

If a claimed horse is vanned off the racetrack following the race after having been observed to have bled or be unsound on the track by the track veterinarian, the claim will be voided and the horse will be taken back to the original trainer's barn. The track veterinarian shall communicate with the stewards to inform them of the voided claim. The successful claimant or trainer may request the claim be allowed within 15 minutes of the track veterinarian's notification to the stewards.  

All other claimed horses must report to the receiving barn after the race and be accompanied by the original trainer or their designee. If the horse is required to go to the detention barn it shall report to the receiving barn immediately after release from the detention barn and remain under the control and supervision of the original trainer or their designee. 

Horses that are immediately transferred to the receiving barn after the race will be allowed to cool out for approximately 30 minutes at which time they will be examined and jogged by a track veterinarian. If the horse is observed to have bled or is determined to be unsound during this examination the claim shall be void. The track veterinarian shall communicate with the stewards to inform them of the voided claim. The successful claimant or trainer may request the claim be allowed within 15 minutes of the track veterinarian's notification to the stewards. 

Horses that report to the receiving barn from the detention barn shall be examined as soon as practical by the track veterinarian. If the horse is observed to have bled or is determined to be unsound during this examination the claim shall be void. The track veterinarian shall communicate with the stewards to inform them of the voided claim. The successful claimant or trainer may request the claim be allowed within 15 minutes of the track veterinarian's notification to the stewards. 

Bled is defined as the track Veterinarian observing a horse bleeding from one or both nostrils and determining that such bleeding is a direct result of exercise-induced pulmonary hemorrhage. 

If the horse is determined to be unsound or observed to have bled by the track veterinarian, it shall be placed on the veterinarian's list. In the event the claim is declared void, the horse will be returned to the custody of the original trainer.