Dubai Diaries: Souk’in It Up


I planned my day today around going to the souk.

I decided to explore both of the souks today: the gold souk and the spice souk. Each were amazing, and I saw some unbelievable craftwork when I journeyed to Old Dubai. The gold souk was unreal: there was everything from tiaras to rings to necklaces:

My favorite part was seeing this giant gold shirt. Seriously, a shirt made out of gold.

Someone offered to sell it to me for four million dollars. I think he seriously overestimated my pay grade.
Anyway, my new favorite thing about Dubai is that I ran into top jockey Joel Rosario, who found himself unwittingly being fitted for a headdress. I made him smile for the cameras:

His fellow jockey Edwin Maldonado got right in there, too.

The guy trying to sell us headscarves gave it the old college try and put one on my noggin:

It didn’t take.
The spice souk was unreal: you’ve never smelt anything like this before, and the colors of the imports were unimaginable: 

Only bummer? The many pounds of shrimp that I saw just hanging out in the sunshine. Someone’s getting a tummy ache.

The very last thing I did this evening was the welcome party for the Dubai World Cup. It was unreal. There were fireworks:

There were festivities:

There was a freaking falcon.

I love it here. More tomorrow!