Thoroughbred owners Harris Auerbach, Ramiro Restrepo and Anna Seitz take readers inside the owner's box in 2015. Auerbach, Restrepo and Seitz will give readers insight into race day habits, their favorite race track and their biggest accomplishment, plus things like what kind of music, fashion and vacations they prefer.
Read on to find out their greatest achievements, pre-race rituals, and who would like to be Jeopardy smart.
Do you have any kind of rituals or superstitions before your horses race?
AUERBACH: I have a few. I refuse to be photographed in the paddock. Pictures are for the winner’s circle after the race. I also try to duplicate patterns when things are going well and shake them up when we are in a down cycle. That includes the cologne I wear, the route I take to the racetrack, the timing of when I go down to the paddock, the amount I wager on our horses, etc. But really, I’m not superstitious or anything like that. LOL!
RESTREPO: Not really, I always say a thankful prayer and hope that they finish safe and sound.
SEITZ: If we are running in a stakes race, we always try to have some kind of party before the race. Be it a champagne brunch at the barn or getting some boxes where we can all meet up at the races. The horses don’t always run well, but we always want to remember the camaraderie we had at the track that day. We have so many wonderful memories and pictures from our syndicates getting together on race day. I can’t believe all the great friends I’ve made through the horses.
My look can best be described as …
AUERBACH: All-American urban casual cowboy next door. How’s that for ya?
SEITZ: Tall and awkward.
You can never have too many …
AUERBACH: … “Star Wars” movies. The more the better!
RESTREPO: … Trips planned. It’s important to get around, meet new people, see the sights and sounds of different cities, and learn about new cultures.
SEITZ: … friends!
What is your dream vacation?
AUERBACH: Five days in Maui with absolutely no schedule to adhere to and no contact with things that can wait for my return back home.
Photo courtesy of Harris Auerbach
RESTREPO: I have to visit Japan a few times. Check out the Japan Cup, see some cherry blossoms, go skiing and check out the countryside.
SEITZ: Anywhere with fun people and warm weather.
Who or what is the greatest love of your life?
AUERBACH: Easiest question of all - my wife, Robin, and my daughters, Jamie and Allison, are the greatest loves of my life.
RESTREPO: My grandmother Olivia. She meant the world to me.
SEITZ: Is this a trick question? I’m married so, of course, my husband, Evan.
Which talent would you most like to have?
AUERBACH: I would have loved to been more athletic. Then again, I would not trade one ounce of my brainpower for even a shred of athletic improvement.
SEITZ: Be Jeopardy smart
What do you consider your greatest achievement?
AUERBACH: Being a good parent to two incredible children is my greatest achievement. In my mind, everything else I’ve done and will do pales in comparison as I consider my children my lasting legacy.
RESTREPO: …the best is yet to come!
SEITZ: Finding a job that I love.
Photo courtesy Anna Seitz
If you were to die and come back as a person or thing, what do you think it would be?
AUERBACH: That has to be one of the lamest questions I’ve ever read. NEXT!!!
SEITZ: A cat. Curl up in a little patch of sun and sleep for days.
Fashion trend that you hope never to see again:
AUERBACH: Ruffled, puffy dress shirts for men should never come back in style. They are just hideous.
RESTREPO: This whole hipster look.
SEITZ: Crocs
Who is the funniest Thoroughbred owner?
AUERBACH: My friend John Harris might be one of the funnier people on the planet. He’s an ultra-successful guy who always has sharp wit and good sense of humor about things.
RESTREPO: Craig Bernick of Glen Hill Farm. He’s a great storyteller with a cool, subtle delivery.
SEITZ: There are so many great owners. I love my job because I get to meet so many of them, and I often become close to them. Mr. [Alex] Lieblong always makes me laugh. He’s a hard worker, a nice person and back in the day he used to be a clown and also drive a hearse. What?
Aside from a home or car, what’s the most expensive thing you’ve ever bought?
AUERBACH: Do horses count? ;-)
Photo courtesy of Ramiro Restrepo
RESTREPO: It’s all about traveling for me. My two-week trip to Sydney and Melbourne was pretty big.
SEITZ: A horse