NBC Sports Commentators on 'Night School'


Night School, the racing industry's national online fan education and player development program since 2011, will welcome sports broadcaster Bob Costas the evening of May 26 for a discussion of the Triple Crown, the racing industry, and a big-picture view of the sport.

The session, which will run from 8:30-10 p.m. EDT as usual, is called "Racing from the Outside." Costas will be joined by fellow NBC Sports colleagues Josh Elliott, Eddie Olcyzk, and Kenny Rice, who will look at horse racing from the perspective of not only their Triple Crown coverage assignments, but also in comparison to the sports they're closest to, such as Olympic events, professional hockey, and boxing.

Fans listening to the Night School radio-free audio stream also can take part in the session by posing their questions and reactions in the live chat that is a staple of the weekly fan education program. "Racing from the Outside" will be co-hosted by Night School's fan education troupe of Jeremy Plonk, Caton Bredar, and Steve Byk.

The Night School live chat airs weekly from 8:30-10 p.m. at more than 40 websites throughout the racing industry and originates at Horseplayernow.com. The program is free to access live as well as throughout the week in archive format, and includes downloadable study materials and a chance to interact with hosts and guests.