What to Expect in The Year of the Horse


The Year of the Horse promises to bring lots of excitement with some of racing's stars returning, such as Mucho Macho Man, who easily won this year's Sunshine Millions Classic. (Photo courtesy of Eclipse Sportswire)

As we usher in the Year of the Horse, get ready for a wild ride in 2014!

Just as we know the Thoroughbred's drive for freedom, speed, and victory knows no bounds, this year we will all feel the call to action and accomplishment in our lives.

The Horse year is characterized by sociability, travel and impulsiveness. The horse is a yang fire animal, always expressing their desire for action and new horizons. This past year, the Year of the Snake, has been a yin year, where we may have felt better served to be cautious and conserve our energy with a shrewd eye toward observing what is happening around us. Well, this is the year to come out of the shadows and into the spotlight.

People born during Horse years are charismatic and persuasive orators, and we can all learn how to speak up for ourselves and confidently argue our point of view this year. We can expect to see a great deal of heated debate in newspaper columns as well as within our own industry.

In Chinese Astrology, each animal is also associated with a two-hour window each day. The Horse time of day is from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., during the peak of business hours when many of us are striving to achieve our best results. You will get an extra boost of energy for completing important projects during these hours. Wednesday is the day of the week associated with the Horse so there will be special importance to events that occur on Wednesdays this year.

2014 is also a Wood Year in the Chinese Zodiac. Like the Horse, Wood is associated with active yang energy, and the spring season, giving even more oomph to this already energetic energy. The combination of Wood and the Horse's element of Fire can be dangerous, however, so it is best to watch your temper and take measured risks, rather than blind leaps. The fast pace of life this year can take its toll, so mind your health and rest often so you have the energy to move forward confidently.

In love, the atmosphere will be similarly intense and fast-paced. You may find yourself falling in and out of love in a hurry. Or you may catch a case of itchy feet and feel "the grass is greener" in other paddocks. If you are in a committed relationship, give your partner extra room this year, lest they begin to feel trapped.

It is wise to create a sound financial plan, as Horses are known to enjoy spending money more than saving it. It is very likely as well that you will want to invest money to further your business efforts, as this is an excellent year for small businesses and entrepreneurs adept at taking risks and venturing into the unknown. You are courageous and fearless in pursuing your goals. Just make sure you have your spending and saving in balance.

Any way you slice it, this is a year for action and movement so put those long-held dreams into practice and strike out in the world! Make the changes you have been wanting to make and stop procrastinating. July is an especially auspicious month when you can expect to see results from all of your hard work. Seize this opportunity to gallop into your future. You won't have opportunities quite like this again until 2026!

Lucky year for: Tiger, Goat, Monkey, Dog, Pig

Look before you leap: Rat, Ox, Snake, Horse

Best months to take bold action: February, July, October

Months to hedge your bets: May, December, January 2015

Famous Horses: Oprah Winfrey, Clint Eastwood, Jennifer Lawrence, Genghis Khan, Kobe Bryant, Paul McCartney, Ashton Kutcher, Kristen Stewart, Emma Watson, Davy Crockett, Teddy Roosevelt, Sandra Day O'Connor, Denzel Washington, Jerry Seinfeld, Warren Buffett, Sean Connery, Barbra Streisand, Adam Sandler, Salma Hayek