Due to a significant outbreak of Equine Infectious Anemia (EIA) and other equine health issues prevalent in the region, Zia Park, after consultations with state and national equine health officials, has announced new requirements effective immediately for entry into its barn area.
The following requirements are effective immediately, and shall be in place for the entire race meet which commences November 2 through December 18:
- For horses stabled at and shipping directly from the Downs at Albuquerque, a Health Certificate dated within the previous thirty (30) days. For horses shipping from ANY other location, AN ORIGINAL (Owner's Copy) of a Health Certificate issued at the point of origin within the previous five (5) days of arrival at Zia Park;
- A Negative Coggins dated within thirty (30) days of arrival at Zia Park. Inventory lists will only be permitted for horses/trainers stabled at and shipping directly from the Downs at Albuquerque if they include the following information: Horse Name, Microchip/Tattoo #, Date of Blood Draw and Read Dates. Pictures of signed inventory lists will not be accepted. Horses arriving from ANY other location shall be required to have their ORIGINAL Negative Coggins paperwork when arriving at the stable gate or on file with the Racing Office in advance of arrival.
- For Quarter Horses, a Negative Piroplasmosis dated within thirty (30) days of arrival at Zia Park. Inventory lists will be permitted if they include the same information as Coggins paperwork above. Horses arriving from ANY other location shall be required to have their ORIGINAL Negative Piroplasmosis paperwork when arriving at the stable gate or on file with the Racing Office in advance of arrival.
Horsemen are also reminded of stable gate entry requirements already in effect and noted in the 2024 Condition Book, including 1) verification of Influenza and Rhinopneumonitis vaccinations within the past six (6) months, and 2) verification of Eastern and Western Equine Encephalitis, Tetanus, Rabies and West Nile vaccinations within the last twelve (12) months.
Horses will not be permitted to enter Zia Park that do not follow this protocol. All ponies entering the Zia Park barn area are subject to the same requirements as racehorses.