Oaklawn Park in Hot Springs, Ark., is seeking a track announcer to replace Frank Mirahmadi, who has resigned to become one of the announcers at Santa Anita Park in California.
"I have resigned @OaklawnRacing to pursue opportunities with @santaanitapark and The Stronach Group. Will call SOME of SA winter/spring meet," Mirahmadi tweeted Dec. 8 from his account, @FrankMirahmadi.
Mirahmadi, who replaced Oaklawn's legendary Terry Wallace as track announcer following the 2011 race meet, reportedly will share announcing duties with Michael Wrona at Santa Anita, which begins its 2015-16 meet Dec. 26.
The Santa Anita position became available with the recent announcement that longtime announcer Trevor Denman was retiring.
BLOOD-HORSE STAFF: Race Caller Denman to Retire From Santa Anita
David Longinotti, Oaklawn's director of racing, said the track is confident it will have a replacement for Mirahmadi before the track begins its meet Jan. 15, 2016.
"Frank Mirahmadi has resigned to pursue other opportunities," Longinotti said in a statement. "We wish him the very best. Oaklawn is among the premiere race meets in the country and we have begun a search to find the most talented race caller available. We have received numerous applications."