Sixteen GIFS About Realizing It’s 100 Days Until Derby


Late January can be a tough time of year: winter still seems eternal, and there aren't really any major holidays in sight. But hope is on the horizon, because this year Jan. 28 means that there are only 100 days until the Kentucky Derby! Below are 16 GIFs that sum up the realization that the run for the roses is coming up soon.
1. Maybe you needed a little extra urging to get out of bed this morning.

2. It’s a normal Thursday, which means the normal commute to the office.

3. When you get to work, you have the chance to commiserate with your colleagues about the daily grind.

4. But suddenly you look at the calendar and you realize it’s January 28.

5. Which means only one thing: it’s 100 days until the Kentucky Derby!

6. First of all, you allow yourself a little pride for being the first one of your friends to realize this fact.

7. Then you immediately take to the Internet to spread the good word:

8. Nearly everyone you tell has the same excited reaction:

9. And you just respond with:

10. Or if they don’t understand why you’re so excited, you’re ready to give anyone an earful about why this is the best time of year.

11. Then it’s time to start the debates over who’s going to win the race.

12. Maybe you already have an early favorite for the Derby.

13. Or maybe you need to see a few more races until you commit to your Derby horse:

14. Either way, you mark your calendar to make sure you watch each of the big prep races leading to the first Saturday in May.

15. After all you know one thing to be true: it’s time to get excited, because the Kentucky Derby is only 100 days away!

16. Need another reason to be excited? Just remember who won the Kentucky Derby last year!