Retiring Hickey Presented With Rolapp Award


Photo: Courtesy of American Horse Council
Jay Hickey (center) receives Rolapp Award from Brian (left) and Todd Rolapp.

Jay Hickey, who is retiring from his role as president of the American Horse Council, is the 2016 recipient of the organization's prestigious Rolapp Award, which recognizes the late Rich Rolapp, AHC president from 1974-1993.

The AHC board of trustees traditionally presents the award to a member of Congress who has been a staunch supporter of the horse industry. Hickey received the award during the AHC annual convention June 12-15.

"Jay Hickey has been a true champion of the horse industry and is most deserving of this prestigious honor," said Dr. Jerry Black, chairman of the AHC board of trustees. "He closely observed every issue that could have had an impact on the American Horse Council's members and provided everyone with astute guidance for the past 23 years.

"It was wonderful to see Jay receive an award that held so much personal and professional meaning for him. He has been a trusted colleague and good friend to countless people in the horse industry."

Hickey has been involved in the passage or defeat of every federal law and regulation that has, or could have, affected the horse industry—including all legislation or regulations that dealt with taxes, gaming, breeding, racing, showing, health and welfare, and recreation.

"It is a great honor to receive this award, knowing and respecting Rich as I do," Hickey said. "He brought me to the AHC and mentored me through my early in the horse industry. Having his sons Todd and Brian here in Washington, D.C., for the ceremony meant a great deal to my family and me."

Under Hickey's direction at the AHC, new committees were formed to represent specific segments of the horse industry. The AHC also coordinated two national economic impact studies and was a driving force behind the formation of the Congressional Horse Caucus, the Congressional Cavalry, the Unwanted Horse Coalition, and the AHC's marketing alliance "Time to Ride."

Black said Hickey's "involvement day-in-and day out on Capitol Hill and with the regulatory agencies, on big issues and small, for which AHC members and the industry are most appreciative. You knew that Jay cared about the industry."

"Our family is thrilled that Jay has received this award named after our father," Todd Rolapp said. "His support of the horse industry through his impressive tenure at the horse council has been remarkable. The friendship that he developed with our father and with our family during that tenure is priceless. We wish him all the best in his well-earned retirement and are greatly appreciative of the horse council's decision to honor him with this award."