Strategies Offered for Unwanted Horses


Coalition has outlined strategies

The Unwanted Horse Coalition is offering a new resource to encourage horse-related organizations and groups to become involved in efforts to assist or prevent unwanted horses.

"Join the Effort: Programs to Help Unwanted Horses" outlines 16 strategies that include hosting charity horse shows, donating ad space, volunteering for non-profit re-training or re-homing facilities, or developing a tracking database. The publication also features the work of seven UHC member organizations and offers general fundraising tips and resources.

"We invite organizations that have developed similar initiatives to contact us, so we can include their work in the publication," UHC director Jennifer Purcell said Aug. 22. "The more ideas and examples we can share, the more likely an organization can find a model that fits best within their structure and resources."

A PDF version is available at the UHC website.

"If every horse-related organization implemented one or two of these ideas, we would, as an industry, make significant strides toward further reducing the number of unwanted horses nationwide," said Julie Broadway, president of the American Horse Council, which houses the UHC.