Ward Joins Water Hay Oats Alliance


Photo: Anne M. Eberhardt
John Ward

Retired classic winning trainer and former executive director of the Kentucky Horse Racing Commission John Ward has joined the Water, Hay, and Oats Alliance, which supports federal intervention to bring about national uniformity in medication policy. Ward also previously served as chairman of the Association of Racing Commissioners International.

Ward's statment in joining the organization follows:

I wish to support the grass roots efforts of WHOA and its membership. 

During the course of a long career in competitive equine events, I have believed that winning is the reward for hard work. Without the elements of fairness and the uncompromising protection of the horse, the victories are meaningless.

It is now time to move forward. Horse racing relies on the major economic input of  two sources ... the gambling customer and the race horse owner. We owe it to our customers to provide them with a uniform product which is beyond reproach, and we owe the race horse owner the opportunity to safely and fairly compete. 


WHOA supports change in today's racing environment which streamlines the process of regulation and adopts a national approach in an effort to rebuild and revitalize the sport for generations to come. If we adopt this approach, the rest of the elements of racing will flourish.