Fast Start for 2017 Thoroughbred Makeover


In the first week of entries for the Thoroughbred Makeover applications from 231 trainers representing 256 horses were received, according to the Retired Racehorse Project.

Kentucky leads the charge with 33 entries. Last year's leader Pennsylvania is second with 21 and Ontario is third with 17.

Trainers who identify eventing as their primary area of expertise lead the other sports, but if last year is any indication some of those eventers will move to other disciplines once they get to know their horses.

The stats don't show it, but based on the credentials identified in applications the quality of trainers is very high. These horses will be in very good hands as they learn the skills that will secure their futures.

Acceptance emails will start going out very soon and trainer names will appear on the RRP web site. Not long after that horses will be uploaded to our online entries list.

Click here to learn more about the Thoroughbred Makeover