Additional Fair Grounds Horses Test Positive for EHV-1


Photo: Hodges Photography
Horses training at Fair Grounds Race Course & Slots

Three additional horses tested positive for equine herpesvirus Jan. 10 at Fair Grounds Race Course & Slots, the Louisiana oval reported the following day. All three were positive for the EHV-1 non-neurogenic type, also called the "wild type" strain.

One horse in Barn 4, trained by Merrill Scherer, returned a positive test after originally returning negative results Jan. 7. Barn 4 has been placed under a mandatory 14-day quarantine.

Another horse in Barn 47, trained by Kenneth Hargrave, returned a positive test after originally returning negative results Jan. 7. Barn 47's 14-day quarantine period has been reset.

A horse in Barn 30, trained by Tim Glyshaw, spiked a fever late Jan. 9 and returned a positive test after having blood pulled Jan. 10. Barn 30 has been placed under a mandatory 14-day quarantine.

Fair Grounds has been dealing with the outbreak since Dec. 26, when an unraced 2-year-old filly was euthanized as a result of the infection. Oaklawn Park and the state of Kentucky have placed restrictions upon racehorses traveling from Louisiana. Keeneland and the Ocala Breeders' Sales Co. both required withdrawal of Louisiana-based horses from their respective January sales.

MITCHELL: OBS Restricts Louisiana Horses from Upcoming Sale

Under the guidance of the Louisiana Department of Agriculture and the USDA, Fair Grounds officials continue to monitor the situation closely and will follow all protocols as directed by those two governing bodies.