Quarantine Lifted on One Keeneland Barn


The Kentucky Office of the State Veterinarian reports that a quarantine, put in place last month after horses tested positive for equine herpesvirus 1, has been lifted on one of two Rice Road barns at Keeneland.

A release from Rusty Ford, equine programs manager for the Office of the State Veterinarian, said the quarantine was lifted on one of the barns after blood tests and nasal swabs came back negative for all horses in the barn. More than the required 14 days have passed since the quarantine, imposed Jan. 22, was put in place—and each horse in the barn has cleared two full sets of tests. 

As for the other barn, test results are expected back Feb. 9 and an update on its status is expected to be issued.

A Turfway Park barn remained under quarantine Feb. 8. While most of the horses in that barn have tested negative for EHV-1, a single horse tested positive in a nasal swab for EHV-1 DNA at a low level. That horse's blood sample was negative and no signs of illness have been detected in the horse. 

Ford, in his release, said the quarantine will remain to ensure confidence in the status of the individual horse and the population. Additional samples are scheduled to be collected with results expected Friday, Feb. 10.