Grayson-Jockey Club Approves Record Research Budget


Grayson-Jockey Club Research Foundation's board of directors has approved a 2017 budget of $1,483,542 to fund 11 new equine research projects, eight renewing two-year studies, and two career development awards. 

The total is the highest ever provided in one year by the foundation, which dates from the creation of the original Grayson Foundation in 1940.

"This is a bright and memorable moment in the history of Grayson-Jockey Club Research Foundation," said longtime chairman Dell Hancock. "It is really gratifying to know that we are funding nearly $1.5 million dollars in critical equine research, and we realize it would not be possible without the dedication and support of our members, our donors and all those who participate in our various fund-raising events each year."

As per the foundation's established procedure, the funded projects were considered the best science by the foundation's 32-person Research Advisory Committee (RAC). That committee comprises university researchers and veterinarians from various practices. 

The foundation received 61 research proposals from university researchers across North America and six foreign countries. Projects are rated on the potential immediate impact on numerous horses as well as the scientific method proposed and budgetary efficiency. 

The research that is funded by Grayson-Jockey Club Research Foundation is aimed at fostering the health and soundness of horses of all breeds and uses.

"Our funding this year featured a balanced set of projects covering a broad set of problems," said Dr. Johnny Mac Smith, veterinary consultant for the foundation. "They ranged in nature from laminitis and nutraceutical components to two extremely pertinent grants dealing with the persistent problem of EHV-1."

Grayson is also supporting further investigation of injuries in North American racehorses at the University of Glasgow.

"This project has support from The Jockey Club and is an ongoing result of a plan initiated at the first Welfare and Safety of the Racehorse Summit in 2006," said Dr. Steve Reed of Rood and Riddle, who serves as chairman of the RAC. "It is identifying aspects of training and scheduling that produce additional risk of injury."

The 2017 slate of projects brings the Grayson-Jockey Club Research Foundation totals since 1983 to 346 projects at 43 institutions for a total of $24,836,711.

For a complete list of new projects, click here.