Blue Grass Again Features Enhanced Security Measures


Keeneland will continue its enhanced security measures for horses entered in the $1 million Toyota Blue Grass (G2), one of the nation’s premier prep races for the Kentucky Derby Presented by Yum! Brands (G1), scheduled for Saturday, April 8.

Contenders for the Toyota Blue Grass are required to be on the Keeneland grounds no later than noon ET on Thursday, April 6, 54 hours in advance of the race. Keeneland will provide 24-hour security for each entrant beginning at noon on April 6 and continuing through post time for the Toyota Blue Grass at 6:17 p.m. on April 8.

“Keeneland conducts its racing operations with the highest levels of integrity and transparency,” Keeneland Vice President of Racing and Sales Bob Elliston said. “We initiated these enhanced security protocols for the Toyota Blue Grass several years ago, and they have proven very effective in protecting our horsemen, the public and our fans.”

Keeneland has mandated the following protocols for horses entered in the Toyota Blue Grass:

  • The Kentucky Horse Racing Commission (KHRC) will take out-of-competition blood samples from entrants and send the samples to LGC Science Inc. in Lexington, Kentucky, for immediate testing. The KHRC will coordinate with other jurisdictions to obtain out-of-competition samples from horses not stabled in Kentucky.
  • Entrants are required to be on the Keeneland grounds no later than noon on Thursday, April 6, and remain on the grounds until after the running of the race. Exceptions will be granted only in the case of an unforeseeable emergency as determined by Keeneland Security in consultation with the Stewards.
  • Twenty-four-hour security for each entrant will begin at noon on April 6 and end April 8 at 6:17 p.m., post time for the Toyota Blue Grass.
  • Horses shall stay in their trainers’ current barn or the stakes barn, which will be monitored at all times by additional security personnel.
  • Stalls for horses entered in the Toyota Blue Grass shall have an identifying marker on them.
  • Trainers shall submit a list of treating veterinarians to the Stewards no later than noon on Thursday, April 6.
  • Security personnel will monitor all treatments performed by veterinarians. All containers for medications administered will be retained by the KHRC for possible testing.
  • A full daily veterinarian’s record of all medications and treatments given to entrants from noon on Thursday, April 6, until after the running of the Toyota Blue Grass shall be provided to the KHRC Chief Veterinarian located in the Detention Barn.
  • Entry/exit logs will be maintained by security personnel. All persons – including grooms, veterinarians, trainers, assistant trainers, farriers, owners or other connections – on entering the stall or engaging in contact with the horse or performing any service for the horse must possess a valid KHRC license. Each person will be logged in by security personnel along with the reason for his/her visit.
  • All equipment, feed, hay bales, etc., are subject to search and seizure, as provided by law, by both Keeneland and the KHRC.
  • As is current policy, Lasix administration will take place in the horse’s own stall by a KHRC veterinarian. Syringes will be preserved by the KHRC for possible testing.
  • The KHRC, in conjunction with Keeneland, will appoint a single 24-hour point person each day for trainers and connections to contact in case of an emergency.
  • On Saturday, April 8, no treatment will be permitted (beyond Lasix for specifically designated horses). If emergency treatment is required and authorized by the Stewards, the horse shall be scratched.
  • On Saturday, April 8, horses participating in the Toyota Blue Grass are required to be in the Assembly Barn 45 minutes to one hour before post time for TC02 testing. The horses will then be escorted with security personnel to the Paddock.
  • Toyota Blue Grass participants will receive priority for Paddock schooling with security personnel present.