Florida Horsemen Announce Changes to Board


The Florida HBPA has made two changes to its officer positions on the board of directors, as part of a regular review process to ensure board independence and sound corporate governance.

Effective immediately, Stephen Screnci will take over as First Vice President of the FHBPA.  Stephen is currently serving his third year of his first term on the board. "I am honored to be appointed as First Vice President of the Board. I look forward to working with the board and executives, especially in continuing to help identify any issues in our contracts, specifically ADW, decoupling and our purse contracts."

Daryl Clark will take on the role as new Treasurer. "I am happy and honored the Board has selected me to take on the responsibility as Treasurer. My goal is to help improve and build on the hard work that Barry Rose has accomplished as Treasurer over the years, and to continue to work hard in serving the horsemen of South Florida."   

In addition, the FHBPA is pleased to announce that Glen Berman has been given a one-year extension to his current three-year contract to serve as Executive Director of the board. 

Glen has been an instrumental part in helping strengthen the role of the FHBPA in South Florida as well as building solid relations between the horsemen and the Executive team at Gulfstream Park. His legal knowledge was a great resource when the FHBPA hired one of Florida's Top Lobbyists, Corcoran & Johnston, to help represent and protect the interests of the horsemen during this year's Legislative session. 

Reacting to news of the renewal of his contract, Berman said, "My first year as Executive Director of the FHBPA has been a very busy one. There are multiple issues facing the industry, particularly horse racing in South Florida. We are a focal point and leaders of the industry. Therefore, the industry looks to us to help lead the way. I recognize the responsibility that I have to the horsemen to do the best job possible, and I'm committed to working as hard as I can at it."

FHBPA President Bill White also commented, "Glen's addition to the FHBPA has been a huge leap forward for the organization. His background in law and medications has given the FHBPA an incredible asset and resource of information. Glen's addition to any meeting or conversation changes the temperature of the room and levels the playing field for the FHBPA. I look forward to his continued contributions as he enters his second year with us."