RTCA Seeks Nominations for White Horse Award

The Racetrack Chaplaincy of America is seeking nominations for the 12th annual White Horse Award.
The White Horse Award, presented to an individual, of any age, who has performed a heroic act on behalf of human or horse within the past 12 months, will be hosted at The Derby Restaurant in Arcadia, Calif. on Thursday, Oct. 30.
The RTCA also seeks nominations for the Tribute of Excellence Award and the Community Service Award.
The Tribute of Excellence Award is a posthumous award presented to an individual, over the age of 18, who in their lifetime:
Consistently demonstrated professional excellence in the horse racing industry; and
Exhibited outstanding initiative, inspiration, and/or leadership which produced significant results directly benefiting the horse racing industry.
The Community Service Award is presented to an individual, over the age of 18, who:
Made, or is making, significant contributions to the welfare of racetrack chaplaincy ministries through involvement and participation; and
Given freely of their time and energy for the betterment of racetrack chaplaincy ministries, contributing to positive ministry outcomes in the horse racing industry.
The deadline to submit nominations is Aug. 30, 2014.
Nominations forms can be downloaded here. For more information, contact Race Track Chaplaincy of America at .