Two Dates Added to Upcoming Santa Anita Meet

Santa Anita Park and the Thoroughbred Owners of California (TOC) announced Sept. 19 that two additional race dates have been added to the track's upcoming autumn meet, which opens Sept. 26.
The additional dates are Thursday, Oct. 16 and Wednesday, Oct. 29, for the 25-day meet, which runs through Nov. 2. The track and TOC cited a healthy equine inventory and increasing demand for the added dates.
The meet is highlighted by the two-day Breeders' Cup World Championships Oct. 31-Nov. 1. 
"There is a great deal of anticipation for our upcoming meet and we feel these two additional dates will be well received by everyone," said Santa Anita president Tom Ludt. "Our racing calendar here in Southern California is still in a transitional stage and we're confident this will help to better fulfill  everyone's needs." 
The first additional date, Oct. 16, will follow a special Columbus Day of racing on Monday, Oct. 13. The second date, Oct. 29, will ensure that Santa Anita will conduct a five-day race week leading into the Breeders' Cup, thus providing live racing to potential thousands of Breeders' Cup visitors.