Hello, fall! I always look forward to this time of year, the crisp breeze in the air, the changing of the leaves, and a month closer to Thoroughbred racing season in New Orleans! While I’m still wearing shorts and tank tops here in New Orleans, there’s something special about knowing my favorite season is upon us that inspires me to do a little refresh.
Here are some simple things you can do to welcome fall while feeling fabulous:
Replace Mascara: Let’s face it … mascara seems to last forever. I often neglect buying new mascara because there always seems to be just enough in the tube to darken my lashes for yet another day. Mascara should be replaced every three months, and the first day of fall is the perfect time to head to the store for a fresh new tube. My “go-to” mascara is Maybelline’s Great Lash washable mascara in blackest black. For less than $5, this mascara works great.
Buy a tube online here.
Buy a Tube of Lipstick: One simple way to say hello to fall is by changing out your lipstick. It’s time to say goodbye to that light pink pucker from the summer for a warmer look. If you are like me and not a big fan of dark plums or deep reds for your lips, then a warm neutral shade is for you. I wear “Faux” by MAC. It’s the perfect balance of pink with a touch of brown…not too dark and not too light. You can darken it up a bit with a lip liner or wear it alone for a pretty fall look.
Click here to buy Faux by MAC.
Give Away Clothes: Sometimes we tend to hang on to articles of clothing longer than we should. It’s hard to part with clothes because there is always a chance you might wear that dress that’s been collecting dust in the back of your closet or that blouse that’s too big (or small) might fit you better this year. Ladies, I know men out there are just as guilty of this type of hoarding too! That’s why it’s time to get rid of all the clothes that are just taking up space in your closet. Every fall, I make it a point to fill up at least one bag full of clothes to deliver to the local thrift store. When cleaning out my wardrobe, I ask myself these two basic questions: Have I warn this article of clothing in the last year? Does it fit? If I answer “No” to either question … in the bag it goes!
Buy a New Dress: Now that your anxiety is gone after donating a few articles of clothing, treat yourself with a nice new long-sleeve dress for fall. I love wearing dresses in the fall, especially to the races. Pair it with a cute pair of tall boots on cooler days, or a simple pair of pumps on warmer days. My guilt free online shopping destination for great dresses is www.Venus.com. I say “guilt free” because the clothes are so affordable (many great pieces under $50)! The site features an array of quality on-trend dresses, pants, shirts, and shoes in a variety of colors and styles.
Time for New Undershirts: Now that the hot and steamy summer months are behind us, it’s time for the fellas out there to say goodbye to those white undershirts that now probably have a few pit stains on them! Throw away those t-shirts you spent the summer sweating in, and buy a fresh new pack for fall! My husband likes to wear the tag free undershirts by Hanes.
Buy a pack here.
With these very simple tips, you can step into fall and head to the races feeling a bit more refreshed and rejuvenated!
How do you welcome fall? Post tips and advice in the comment section below!