Monmouth to Provide Sports Wagering Oversight


While the issue of sports wagering in New Jersey is still tied up in court, Monmouth Park is staying ahead of the curve in case it is approved. Track officials Oct. 9 announced the formation of The Independent Sports Wagering Association to self-regulate sports betting.

TISWA's purposes are to promote a safe, secure, and reliable sports wagering environment that protects both the persons placing wagers on sports contests and the public, as well as providing mechanisms to safeguard the integrity of the sporting contests and athletic events on which wagers are accepted, according to a release.To further its purposes TISWA will enact an "Ethics Code of Conduct and Rules and Regulations."

"TISWA will model itself on other highly successful and effective private self-regulatory organizations that have long existed in the financial sector, real estate industry, and in the medical and legal professions," Monmouth adviser Dennis Drazin said.