NYRA Supports Proposed Medication Rules

The New York Racing Association Oct. 17 expressed its full support of the New York State Gaming Commission's proposed rules on threshold limits for therapeutic medications on race day. 
The proposed rules establish threshold limits for 24 therapeutic medications that could be present in a horse on race day, and restrict three corticosteroids to joint injections only. The proposed regulations are modeled on uniform medication rules developed by the Association of Racing Commissioners International.
"The New York Racing Association is deeply committed to equine safety and Thoroughbred racing integrity," stated New York Racing Association chief executive officer and president Christopher Kay in a letter to the New York State Gaming Commission. "The adoption of these regulations by the gaming commission is a major step forward in the ongoing efforts of Thoroughbred racing regulators in many states and other participants to adopt uniformly stringent and effective equine medication rules across the country."
Kay noted that when the NYRA reorganization board was formed in 2012, it established two committees to review and monitor safety, integrity, and related medication issues. These board committees worked with NYRA management to establish a program of surveillance and testing to ensure compliance with the gaming commission's medications regulations.
Based on input from those committees and experts, the NYRA board of directors has authorized management to publicly support the proposed regulations. NYRA said the regulations are in the best interest of the health and welfare of the racehorses, the safety of all participants, and further promote the integrity of Thoroughbred horse racing.
The letter from Kay to the New York State Gaming Commission can be found here.